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What Is The Cause Of Warts

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What is the cause of warts? They appear on the skin and look like a growth coming out of nowhere even if it is seen as something harmless.

Yet, a virus belonging to the HPV or human Papillomavirus family is the cause of the infection that affects the skin's top layer. A tiny break in the skin is the passageway for the virus to invade and produce a fast growth of cells on the skin's outer layer which is called a wart.

This HPV virus is fast and sneaky which all of us are exposed to throughout our lives through such common and mundane actions of typing on keyboards, hand-shaking, and turning doorknobs.

The usual growths of warts affecting most people are found on the hands. This has led scientists to discover and identify more than 100 rare types of the HPV virus resulting in growth of warts.

Why are People contaminated with common skin warts?

Any skin wart that suddenly makes an appearance means that you have come in contact with the virus causing it sometime in the past months. People infected with warts are highly contagious which can transfer the infection to another. Shaking the hand of a person with warts on their hands is a skin-to-skin contact that will readily transfer the virus to you.

Inanimate objects are also another way to get infected. Using the same towel used by another person with a wart will transfer the virus to you.

However, it should be noted that the wart-causing virus can only enter your skin if there is a cut or breakage. A fingernail biting habit, minor scrapes, nicks, and cuts are open avenues for the virus to enter your skin and bring on wart. This explains the reasons for warts to occur on the legs of women and on the beards of men.

Why is it that some people do not have warts while some get a lot of it?

There is no scientific evidence to explain why some people are highly susceptible to warts while others are immune to it. Doctors believe though that it may be because people with a stronger immune system can ward off common viruses which make them immune to warts as well.

One fine example towards this theory concerns the children. They often get more skin warts than adults. It is because their immune systems are not yet fully developed to ward off the viruses that cause warts.

Is there a way to prevent skin warts?

One way prevent spreading warts
One way prevent spreading warts

Avoiding contact with the virus is the best way of preventing skin warts from happening. Here are the ways you can do to protect yourself:

  • Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly
  • Protect yourself from getting infected if you work out in a gym by wiping with a clean cloth or towel any equipment before using it
  • Use rubber sandals or flip-flops every time you use public showers such as in the gym
  • Keep your skin free from scrapes, nicks, and cuts
  • Quit the habit of fingernail biting
  • Moisturize your skin always to keep them healthy

Now you know what is the cause of warts and how to prevent them. All you need to do now is take action and practice what you've learned. However, if you've already got wart problems and you're using some kind of remedy (like TTO perhaps), you might want to check out my other page with valuable information for working with the ever so popular essential oils.

Photo credit, jar

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